Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Tulip Festival

There are these amazing gardens not far from our house.
And every year they have a tulip festival...
In years past, I've seen pictures of the tulip festival on Facebook and in blogs from friends and family here in Utah
and I was always so jealous!

So, Monday night we decided to go for a family outing there.

I'm so glad we did!
First, it was awesome!
And second, um...we had a huge windstorm the next day and snow the day after that.
I'm thinking we might have seen the festival at its peak!

Poor tulips.

I took a million pictures.
I will share a few here.

Brace yourself.
(for the beauty and also for my over-abundance of pictures)

Kayla by the tulips
(we were trying to take some 1-year-old pictures)

I haven't edited any of these so just ignore the fact that they are not the best lighting etc.
I'm sure I'll be able to fix them up in Lightroom...once I decide to spend the time to do it!

Frank is in the background smelling the different flowers.

Even the trees are gorgeous

I took a picture of these little flowers because I want some for my yard!


  1. Hmmm, I was expecting (hoping for) more pictures!

  2. I love those last flowers, I actually bought some from the Thanksgiving Point greenhouse when I still lived in Utah. I loooove the tulip festival and your pictures are gorgeous!
