Thursday, January 16, 2020

2019 in Review

I was looking back and realized that I forgot to do this last year, so I'll try to do it this year and hopefully get back on track. I like reading these later!

  1. What did you do in 2019 that you'd never done before? Went to Wales! Visited Michigan!

  2. What would you like to have in 2020 that you lacked in 2019? Motivation to improve, Daily scripture study/prayer, a full head of hair, a foot that works properly, a knee that never hurts. Wow, I sound old!

  3. What dates from 2019 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? None, because I forget everything BUT some important things did happen. I will just have to look it up.  Let's see: Carter got engaged! Branden and Amber relocated to Michigan. Katy and Austin are in process of buying a house. Lost some loved ones this year: Grandaddy passed away on April 30, 2019. My mom passed away on November 23, 2019.
  4. What was your biggest achievement this year? I don't feel like I really accomplished much this year overall. I worked my job and enjoyed it for the most part. We built a pantry in our kitchen which we actually started in 2018 but it wasn't finished until 2019. Put hardwood floors in the front room and pantry, so making headway in that department...maybe? 

  1. What was your biggest failure? That seems negative. Hmmm I failed to become a size 6. Again.

  2. Did you suffer illness or injury?  I had foot surgery for osteonecrosis. So weird.

  3. What was the best thing you bought?  A new pantry, wood floors for part of the house, a trip to Wales, a trip to Michigan

  4. Where did most of your money go? Who knows!

  5. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Going to Wales to see Austin and Katy! We had lots of fun!  I also got to go wedding dress shopping with Harley and her family! Went on a business trip with Frank to Orlando!

  6. What song will always remind you of 2019? None. I can't even think of a song right now...I have had the song "Prince Ali" from the movie Aladdin in my head for about a week now. Not sure it will remind me of 2019 though. ha!

  7. Compared to this time last year, are you:
    a) happier or sadder?
     probably overall happier
    b) thinner or fatter? 
    ever so slightly thinner
    c) richer or poorer? I feel poorer...

  8. What do you wish you'd done more of? Being thankful, seeing my grandkids and kids

  9. What do you wish you'd done less of? Complaining, being lazy

  10. What was your favorite TV program? I should write these things down earlier! My memory just can't pull this kind of information out on demand.  Ok, hmmm, Frank and I watch something most evenings before bed.  We watched several shows on VidAngel-Mrs. Maisel, Game of Thrones (was that in 2019?)...can't think of any more at the moment. I still love This is Us and The Good Place

  11. What was the best book you read? Didn't read a lot this last year. I must do better for 2020. I did most of the books from book club though but can't seem to name any.

  12. What did you want and get? Wood floors for part of the house and a new pantry. A couple of visits to Alaska and Michigan. A trip to Wales. Got to visit my mom one last time before she passed.

  13. What did you want and not get? Self control, motivation to work out. HA!

  14. What was your favorite film of the year? I am easily entertained and enjoyed pretty much everything I've seen this year. Here's a few: Knives Out, Ad Astra (different than expected), Toy Story 4, Captain Marvel, Downton Abby...I'm sure there are more but having trouble remembering.

  15. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I keep track. Here it is. I turned 52 in 2019.

  16. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2019? Here it is: flowered shirt (from the career section), cardigan if it's cold, jeans, boots in the winter-converse in the warmer weather. I have no explanation and I don't know why 95% of my shirts have flowers on them! On my days off it's yoga pants and t-shirts or possibly jeans if I have to go in public.  Also I began growing out my grey hair. It hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be.

  17. What kept you sane? um, nothing? haha  OK, OK I work with great people that I enjoy, that helps. Frank is pretty patient with me, that helps too. 

  18. Which celebrity did you fancy the most? I don't have time for celebrities.

  19. What political issue stirred you the most? Trump is the worst.

  20. Who is the best new person you met? Olivia, Maggie, finally met Riley in person and even though she's not a person, she counts as a member of the family :-)

  21. Who did you miss? My distant kids and grandkids, my mom and dad, Frank's parents who have both now passed on.

  22. Tell us a valuable lesson you learned in 2019. Get a will or, even better, a trust. Our physical belongings are not that important and certainly not worth what we think they are. Family is important. Life isn't easy (already knew that one actually). Some things you stress about are not as scary as you think.
Some favorite pictures from 2019:

Visited Orlando again! Went to Animal Kingdom by myself and used a scooter all day because of my foot surgery. 

Peaches from our very own peach tree. Amazing!

Though it was a sad occasion, we enjoyed our family time with Frank's family when we went to Oregon before/during/after his Dad's passing. The military tribute at his funeral was so touching.

Visiting my Mom and Dad in Arizona

 Visiting Wales and seeing Austin and Katy. Loved seeing where they lived, the city, and their favorite places. Got to see Katy's family as well. It was a great trip! (Other than how frightened I was every time we drove anywhere)

Got to go wedding dress shopping and then also got to go to Harley's bridal photo shoot 
(bouquet shown but can't show the bride!)

Two different trips to see the grandkids! One to Alaska and one to Michigan.

Carter and Harley got engaged! (obviously these pictures are in no particular order)

Foot surgery

Seeing old friends!

Saturday, January 11, 2020


I am trying to mail off the fitness reimbursement forms to my insurance because I do have a membership to a gym and I did attend at least a handful of times last year.

Luckily, they don't ask me on the forms how often I attended the gym or if my weight has improved or any other health questions so I figure I still deserve the reimbursement. I spent the money. Apparently that's the only criteria, thank heaven.

It takes all kind of time to fill out the forms, locate the receipts for payments, photocopy everything and then mail it off.

I have a whole box of business sized envelopes in my desk just waiting to be used for such a purpose. I mean, I rarely mail anything so this is pretty exciting stuff.

The box of envelopes must have gotten damp somehow however because every single envelope is sealed. Every. Single. Envelope. IS SEALED.

And yes, I've tried to gently open them and have ripped quite a few now.

It has already taken me 12 months to get down to filling out the paperwork and making the copies. If I have to go to the store and buy more envelopes, this thing just might not happen.

I tried 2019 budget, I tried.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Me. At 53.

It's my birthday today! I am 53 years old which is just crazy. I mean, 53...definitely past "middle age" right?

I will continue the tradition of writing down what I did on my birthday. Here is last year.

Since my birthday fell on a Sunday this year, it will obviously be a quieter day. No eating out or going to do activities.

I woke up late and got ready in leisurely fashion. Our church changed from 9:00 am to 10:30 am today. I let my hair dry naturally and then decided to just leave it curly for church. I took a picture and it's pretty surprising to see how much of my grey has grown in. It's way more noticeable in pictures than in real life I feel like.

Meeting at 10:30 is obviously nice for the morning routine but will have downsides, one of which is that another ward has already been in the building so the perfume is already in the air. I got a migraine last week from perfume and was pretty frustrated. I ended up posting about it on Facebook and so now more people in the ward are aware of my issues which is mostly good but I still feel awkward. Several people commented today on how they could smell the perfume in the air.  I got a bit of a headache but moved back by the stage to sit for awhile and that helped. Since today was the first week of Sunday School I really didn't want to miss meeting my new class.

I hope I can give them rave reviews as the year moves on but today was a struggle. I didn't teach this week but considering it was week one of the year, these kids weren't exactly trying to impress us. First impression: there are 2 that seem pretty good in the 'interact with the teacher' department, 1 that can be convinced to interact,  one that literally read on his phone the entire time (instagram? who knows!  Definitely not scriptures) and one who put his head in his hand and basically slept from what I can tell. Oy. I'm ready for Sunbeams!

After church I have basically napped intermittently, done some laundry and wasted time on my phone.  Frank has been slaving in the kitchen all day.  Poor guy. He's made 2 different chocolate pies (one is a "freezer pie" and one is a cooked pudding pie) as well as some Keto pork chops. (We've been dieting since before Thanksgiving and Frank has been really good...I've been a bit more flexible, as is my way. Ha!)

Frank had me open a present right when we got in from church. It turned out to be an automatic stirring device that he wanted to use to make the pudding for his pie! ha!

We also went shopping on Saturday for a new dress as a present. We ended up buying 2 and I wore one to church. I put the other one in the wash on cold/delicate so I could wear it on our vacation later this week...and it shrunk! gah. So annoying.  I'll probably still use it as a swim suit cover up but this is the second dress I've shrunk before even wearing it!  I've got to figure that out. :-(

At this moment, we have just finished the pork chops and they were delicious.

I got a pound of See's for Christmas (only one pound because we are dieting after all). I've allowed myself one per day but stopped a few days ago and saved the last one for today. It was hard. But I just ate it and it was fabulous. If only I had another pound box hiding somewhere...

Dion's family and Doneen's family are coming over later for dessert so we'll have the pie then. I'll try to update later after the festivities.

All of the boys sent me texts wishing me a happy birthday so no one is in the doghouse today! hooray!


The siblings and families as well as Jansen and Heather came over for dessert. I even had a surprise pop-in from Carter and Harley!
We had 2 kinds of chocolate pie, brownies and apple crisp! Yes, I tried them all!
And, bonus, Dion got me a small box of See's as a gift! I am saved.
It was super fun to hang out and talk together. It's one of my favorite things actually. Makes me glad I live close now.

Thursday, January 2, 2020


Well it is officially 2020
and I have no idea what that means.

Everyone is all full of goals and aspirations and words of the year and I'm over here feeling kind of meh about the whole thing.

I've mentioned before that I'm just a content person. But perhaps its more fear than contentment? I am fine with never pushing the envelope because I'm afraid to?  But if I wasn't afraid, what exactly would I want to do?

Most of the time I think contentment is a good thing. I don't need to be constantly entertained or excited. I think that's good.  But I also don't really try to improve or change too much. Perhaps not so good.

I like the idea of starting the new year with goals and stuff like that, although I always start my new year AFTER my birthday on the 5th, just in case there is dieting involved. No way am I missing out on birthday cake just because it's the New Year.

So anyway, I'm going to ponder this for a bit (at least until the 5th) and see what I can come up with for my plans for goals for this upcoming year.

I'll keep you posted.