Monday, April 14, 2014

For Posterity

From Amber's Blog...Yay! I'm not going crazy!

Isabelles Birthday (take two)

I'm about to make an embarrassing confession

Last Saturday (the 5th) I created a blog post about Isabelle's Birthday. It originally said,
 "Today is Isabelle's Birthday...We celebrated yesterday with family and Friends."
 I posted it, and then decided to change it the next day (the 6th). While I was editing the post my pregnancy brain got the best of me and I forgot that I had started the post on the 5th and thus, that would be the date shown to viewers on my blog, so I changed the post to say, 
"Yesterday was Isabelle's Birthday..."
making anyone believe that Isabelle's Birthday was on the 4th...
Its on the 5th, always has been

I am telling you this because today, while browsing through blogs I found this:

And so Debbie, you were right all year long. 
Your congratulations were not late
You posted on Facebook on her actually Birthday
and you did not need to change your password
 (by the way I think it is super cute that that was your password)

Luckily Isabelle is only one
and will one day get a kick out of the confusion her mom caused
and that her Grandma confessed about on her blog

and hopefully everyone loves me so much, that they will forgive me :)

I am going to leave that original post exactly how it is, just because I think it is funny. I will make a new post about Isabelles Birthday today ;)

1 comment:

  1. I cannot stop laughing! Hilariousness doubled! soooo funny!
