Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

I had a pretty awesome mother's day today
I might add pictures later
but for now I just think I'll list all the good things about today:

Texts, calls, and facetime with my 3 boys that live far away
Lunch made by Carter (the one boy left at home)
Carter also offered to make breakfast but I had gotten up early and already ate before he asked
flowers from a friend
a corsage for church from another friend
Dinner at the Diane Sears home made by her son, daughter and husband

Frank had to go out of town this morning so yesterday he made me a cherry pie so I'd have it today
I think Frank might have been worried that the kids wouldn't come through for today so he sent me texts every couple of hours with nice things about what a good mom I am

As part of my mother's day gift I told Carter that he had to watch a chick flick with me
 and he did
Of course he tried to convince me that a few movies like "Star Wars" and "Stealth" 
were actually chick flicks.
But in the end, he joined me to watch "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"
and he didn't complain


  1. What a nice day! I'm glad you heard from your boys even if there were no cards. Also, what a sweet husband!

  2. Also, my mother-in-law has 6 sons so I try to be sensitive on birthdays and Mother's Day because I know boys aren't the best at remembering but mine was Kate this year too, darn it.

  3. That's cute! I'm glad you got so much attention.
