Wednesday, December 26, 2012


I never blogged Christmas so I am coming back here after the fact and putting some pictures in!
It was fun to have all the kids (Austin could only come for a few days but it was nice) here to celebrate.
I screwed up by not buying "Christmas Pajamas" for the first time ever and everyone let me know that this was a major screw up on my part.
We still took the obligatory "kids in front of the tree" picture.

The kids made sure to point out that they would like that picture better with new Christmas jammies!

Since it was the last year in our house, we tried to get a really big tree.  We ended up with a 12 footer but Frank was hoping to find bigger.  I tooked good though.

To Ryan from Austin....

To Austin from Branden...
This gift had many many layers and involved nails, screws, wood, rope, tape, things frozen in ice, puzzles and clues

Carter's much loved "Tobuscus" Sweatshirt

Ryan reading novels in foreign languages...

Austin still working on Branden's gift...

A Victoria Secret gift card?...nope another clue

A Where's Waldo book with more clues to find.

A locked box...

a locked jewelry box...

And in the end he got....
but lots of entertainment for all of us too

Awesome pillow for Carter's new loft made by Aunt Doneen!

Last year Carter got these amazing Beatle's albums and paraphenalia from a family friend
This year we framed them for him as a gift.

The aftermath...

1 comment:

  1. Austin's gift treasure hunt is HILARIOUS! I think it would be fun to put one of those together. . . but WAY too much work!
