Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Long time no talk

I've had so much going on and I've let blogging fall by the wayside.
But I didn't want to let this year end without putting up my 100 Things.
I like that I make this list every year and I think it's good for us to all spend a little time being grateful.

Circumstances of the day affect my list because it varies as to what is on my mind.  Today there was a school shooting, in an elementary school in Connecticut.  It has so many of us reeling...and I can't even imagine what is happening to the families involved.  I pray for their comfort.

I might not get the list done today (Friday 12/14)...It usually takes me a few days.  But I want to remember what I am grateful for at this time.

I'm thankful for:

1 My children
2. My understanding of the Plan Of Salvation
3. My belief in the Savior, Jesus Christ
4. My husband.  That he feels well and is alive today.
5. Doctors and Nurses, especially the ones at Lunder 10 at Mass General Hospital
6. That all of my kids get to come home for Christmas!
7. That our house sold
8. That we found a nice condo to live in
9. That I will live right across the street from friends
10. That Carter will have a friend close by.
11. That Austin is doing well in Vermont
12. That Frank still has his job.
13. That we got out of debt.
14. homemade rolls (though I shouldn't eat so many)
15. Beautiful Christmas trees. Love the sight.
16. The house on Rt 40 that has such fabulous lights on their house.
17. The deer in our yard.  Never get tired of watching them.
18. My awesome parents
19. My brothers and sisters.  I wish I could see them more.  I love them all.
20. Prayer
21. My fake candles with a remote control.
22. That girls can go on missions at 19!  Excited for my young friends.
23. My missionary niece.  What a good example of good attitude.
24. See's
25. My comfy bed
26.  Plungers
27. email
28. Good friends far and near
29. Facebook for helping me keep in touch with what is going on in their lives.
30. A grandbaby on the way
31. ITS A GIRL! Grateful for the opportunity to buy pink. :-)
32.  bagels
33. The fact that we lived in this beautiful house for 7 years and enjoyed it so much
34. soft feather pillows
35. Making new friends
36. Learning empathy
37. garages.  The best thing ever on cold winter days.
38. the soap dispenser on my sink
39. knee pads...has improved the mopping of the floor quite a bit.
40. That I don't have to wear reading glasses yet. 
41. The man who donated his bone marrow to Frank
42. Greyhound buses
43. frequent flyer miles
44. texts from my kids
45. Awesome in-laws
46. Friends at work
47. Caring teachers
48. stars
49. visits from my family (Daren's coming here tonight!)
50. the changing leaves in fall
51. tulips
52. Daisies (this is what I want on my casket.  FYI)
53. soft, warm blankets
54. google
55. snow
56. the snowplow guy :-)
57. my yellow phone
58. cute iphone cases. Seriously.
59. little notebooks that fit in my purse
60. My Bosskut Gazelle and the school project that forced me to figure out how to use it
61. a clean van
62. family pictures
63. groupon
64. Nook
65. Patrick Rothfuss. He has kept me entertained many an hour.  Now if only he'd finish that third book...
66. selfless people
67. lamps
68. ducks
69. wild turkeys
70. cloudless days
71. stars
72. My brother's picture of stars.  Amazing.
73. barely ripe bananas
74. apples and popcorn
75. My mom. Apples and popcorn always make me think of my mom!
76. grown up kids that get along
77. Physical therapy
78. Dave Ramsey
79. craigslist
80. freecycle
81. blogs.  Still love to read them more than facebook
82. Say Yes to the Dress (gets me through a lot of laundry folding)
83. twinkly lights
84. the little riddles that Frank puts on his presents
85. Benjamin Moore Paint
86. Trips back west
87. Awesome in-laws
88. my striped curtains
89. the red fluffy TV blankets
90. wool socks
91. prescription medication
92. Tillamook
93. real butter
94. the little flowers that grow in the grass
95. all the ponds and lakes around here
96. having my kids home!
97. stain remover
98. chapstick
99. eyeliner
100. forgiveness

Sorry if there are repeats.  I did this over a few days (it is now Wednesday night 12/19).


  1. Your list is awesome. I was going to ask you how Frank was feeling when we talked but I forgot. I'm so glad he's well too! My kids still pray for him at dinner time.

  2. I really like 71 and 72! :-)
    Happy Birthday!
