Saturday, January 27, 2018

6 months

As of this coming Tuesday, I will have been at my current full time job for 6 months.

I remember someone telling me that once you start working full time you "get in a groove" and soon you don't mind it.

I definitely had a rough transition.  I would feel myself becoming anxious every Sunday evening and would realize that it was because I had to go to work the next day.  The week would crawl by as I waited and watched for Friday.  I questioned why I was trading my life for a few measly bucks an hour.  I was totally worthless in the evening, so tired that I would plop down on the couch and stay there until bedtime.

Now, I can honestly say that I have pretty much adjusted.  I think I am in that groove that was mentioned. I don't feel anxious on Sunday night though I do sometimes wish out loud that I could "just stay home tomorrow".  I doubt I'm alone in that particular feeling.  Although some days are slow, I have gotten to know my coworkers and enjoy their company.  I enjoy the time I have with them at work and we have done a couple of things together outside of work.  I still look forward to the weekend because I just enjoy the down time and the ability to spend a whole day getting things done around the house.  I find that kind of work fulfilling in a different way.  But I don't find myself being quite so bad about wishing away the week as I look to those two days off.

I still feel a bit like my whole life is being spent doing something that doesn't have that much meaning for me.  The job itself I mean.  But I try to find fulfillment in the people I help each day.
I also like knowing that the money I'm making is helping the ones I love. (Even if my pay is quite paltry)

I get up early and do yoga before work.  I'm sitting all day and trying to find ways to combat the damage that is potentially doing to my body.  My niece reminds me that sitting is the new smoking.  I go for a walk during my lunch break and I find myself really enjoying that small time in the outdoors, even if it is just walking around the perimeter of the parking lot. After work I am still pretty tired but Frank and I have been trying harder to go to the gym.  I make it about 50% of the time so far but I'm working on it.  I will admit that we have gotten into a pretty bad habit of sitting on the couch  while we eat our dinner and watch either the news or a tv show.  I quite enjoy it though and we have no kids to be good examples for so I doubt it will change.

At first we were eating out a lot.  I was just too tired to think of dinner (and anyone that knows me knows this was never my strong suit).  But I made a goal to have no eating out during the week and we have been doing really well actually.  I plan a few meals for the week, we eat leftovers and there is always breakfast for dinner in a  pinch.  It's working out just fine and the budget is happier.

I find myself most mornings being ready before it is time to go.  Someday maybe I'll use this time to read or relax in some way but lately I've been going into work a bit early to catch up on a new assignment I've been given and to do some of the extra things that I can do there.

For example, my company has a wellness program.  If I read some articles and fill out some simple quizzes, I get points that can be redeemed for gift cards.  I can log my exercise and keep track of other wellness activities I'm doing.  I decided early on to use all of these tools that the company is giving me and I'm enjoying it.  I have earned numerous gift cards already and I won a t-shirt too.  It's not much but it's a little perk...and why not?

I finally decorated my cubby a little bit with pictures of my family.  I like being able to look at my kids and grandkids if my day is going slow or I have to deal with a mean person and being able to remind myself why I'm doing this.

And honestly, sticking my toes back into the medical world has been kind of fun.  I used to love this stuff!  And so I called and talked to the state board of nursing about getting my license reinstated that I let lapse when Frank was sick.  I'm not sure yet what will be involved but they are sending me some information.  So, who knows what the future holds!

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