Sunday, January 6, 2019

Daily life and other musings

Even though my new job is fewer hours per week, I do still feel like it is mostly what my life is made up of.  Does that sentence make sense?
The three full days that I work are very long. Monday, Wednesday and Friday I am at work from 7:45-11:30 approximately (longer on Mondays when we have staff meeting) and then from 1:45 -6:30, sometimes a bit later.  So by the time I get home it feels very late, it is dark and I am super tired.  No idea why I'm so tired since I don't have a physically demanding job but that's the truth-I am tired! It is not at all uncommon for me to go directly to my bedroom and change into my pjs as soon as I get home.  Then I think about dinner or lack thereof and sit in front of the tv if I can get away with it.
Tuesdays I only work from 2:45-6:30 or so.  It's a short shift but somehow I always feel like I worked a full day when I leave.
I tend to fill Tuesday morning and all day Thursday with a variety of errands: doctor appointments, dentist appointments, runs to the bank or grocery store or other needed shopping. Physical therapy is currently taking up an hour of each Tuesday and Thursday.
Overall though, I still really like my job. I wish I made more money to be honest but the job itself is fun and relaxing and engaging. I like all of my coworkers. I like my boss.
Still...I wish I had a bit more balance in my life. I don't do any hobbies anymore. I am never creative anymore. I rarely blog (but doing better of late). I don't exercise. I don't cook really...I mean, I make dinner most nights but I don't put any effort or thought into it).  I don't read books. I don't go out with friends or family much.
I can't really figure out what it is that I'm doing with the extra time. I used to work 40+ hours a week and now it's 30.  That is some significant free time, not counting weekends, that really needs to have some fun/active/creative stuff in it! Of course as I write that sentence, my mind is thinking "just don't make me go out in the cold and do something physical like hike or snow shoe". Hmmm.
So obviously I don't have any specific ideas for what those "fun" things should be, but it's on my mind.

I managed to make my 2 lbs of See's chocolate last a full 12 days. Christmas to today, January 6th.  Obviously I'm super proud of myself as I have eaten them long before my birthday in the past.  But if I really think about how much candy I ate in a 12 day period I am not as proud.  I'm glad they are gone though because I really do plan to eat better starting...very very soon! ha! No, seriously.

The Family is coming over for soup, rolls and birthday cake tonight.  The house is all clean. Frank made homemade noodles to go with the homemade turkey broth soup that I made (super excited for that). Hopefully it will be a fun night! I like my family.

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