Sunday, April 1, 2018

The butter mishap

About a week ago, as I was cleaning up after a meal, I noticed one of our glass containers (the kind you put leftovers in) was sitting on the counter with a bunch of butter in it. The butter looked like it had been somewhat melted and then rehardened. I thought it was little odd that Frank had put the butter in this container because we have a couple of butter dishes that we use all the time but, hey, I'm willing to go with the flow.  I had a bit of butter left from the recipe I'd made so I plopped that bit into the dish and put it in the cupboard where we keep our butter.

A few days later, when we had a bunch of guests at our house, Frank pulls this container out of the cupboard and just sets it on the countertop.   He says to me "what in the world is that?"
I look and the entire container is just disgusting and covered in mold.

I say, "It's the butter that you put in there. What's wrong with it?"  Because I have never in my life seen moldy butter.

He says, "I never put butter in that"

And suddenly I remember that Frank had made whipped cream some time ago and put the leftovers in the fridge (in the leftover container).  He must have seen it in there and realized it was getting a bit old and set it on the counter. Because it was a bit old, it had a more yellow cast...and I thought it was butter.

I put a container of whipped cream in my cupboard for a few days there and never even looked at it again!  So, yeah, it got moldy.

Pretty gross.  You should thank me that I didn't take any pictures for this blog post.

But I blame Frank for the mishap because if he had just taken care of the old whipped cream himself instead of setting it on the counter for the kitchen fairies to take care of, I never would have mistaken it for butter in the first place!

I'm so glad I never spread that on my toast. Although if I had done that, we would have discovered it before it became a science experiment.

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