Friday, April 27, 2018

Around the house

My refrigerator is making some weird noises. That's bad, right?
When Frank is out of town, I watch too much Fixer Upper and The Middle and This Is Us.
He's been traveling quite a bit lately and I am actually almost out of tv to watch. I may have to branch out to some different shows...or maybe start reading again! Recommendations welcome.
We are having plumbing woes at our house...things that really do require some attention. Our hot water heater is probably in need of replacement. It sounds like there are a bunch of rocks tumbling around in there. About a year ago we had a plumber come to flush it but it didn't fix anything, it actually got worse after that. It is most likely due to our hard water and will need to be replaced sooner than later. The plumber actually recommended replacement when he came but we are trying to eek out as much life as possible.  Looks like our time is about you might imagine, this makes me sad.
The fact that our hot water heater is dying due to hard water and the fact that our dishwasher is also not faring well, most likely for the same reason, is leading to me to think that we should probably get a water softener. Neither Frank nor I am excited about this idea. First soft water feels awful...all slippery (Frank would say slimy). I have been told that you get used to this but we have our doubts. Also, I haven't looked into it but it sounds expensive as well.  And how does that work with the drinking water? Do I also have to buy a water purifier if I get a water softener? And then I will have to become one of those people buying pallets of salt at Costco?...
Obviously these are things I have to investigate.
We used to laugh when we would go visit Frank's parents because they had a guest room for us but we had no where to put our stuff when we visited. The closet and dresser were full of his mom's stuff.
My daughter-in-law and the grandkids are coming this week and will stay at our house part of the time and Carter will be home from college this week as well. As I look around to prepare for their arrival I came to the uncomfortable conclusion that I have also started to fill the closets and dressers in the guest room. Maybe this is just what happens when the kids move out. I hope to deal with it soon, although I'm not exactly sure what I mean by that. None of the things in the closets or dressers are things I want to get rid of necessarily. I just don't want them in my closet!
I recently got a new job. Why is this fact included in an "around the house" post? Well, because I will be around the house more! YAY!  I will miss the people I work with, I did make some fun friends at my current job. But my new job is a few less hours per week and is closer to my home so I will get to spend some time in my favorite place-home. I'm thrilled. Hopefully I will like the job as well.
Also, on a positive note, the tulips have bloomed. I love them so much. So. much.


  1. As time goes by and the nest is empty, the need to simplify becomes pretty important. Otherwise you just end up storing and, sometimes moving, lots off "stuff" that generally you (or your kids) will someday give away or throw away. We're still working on it at our age but we did take over 10 pickup loads to DI in our move to St. George and 3 more pickup loads after we moved in.

  2. I can’t even imagine it! Your house was always so tidy and beautiful. But I guess you could have been hiding stuff in closets just like me!

  3. I love soft water but it does take some getting used to. My parents had it in Draper when we lived with them and I still miss it--my hair and skin was so much softer. It only takes a couple of days to get used to the "slimy" feeling. Also we just drank the water, I hope that was okay. ;) Did you plant all of those tulips? Wow! I want some! Our one pretty tree that we planted didn't bloom this year, I think we killed it. So no pretty blooms for us this year, sad. My fridge is making bad noises. We looked at some at Home Depot yesterday and they're like $2500! What the!!! Good luck at your new job!
