Saturday, January 1, 2022

2021 in Review

Boy last year I really fell off the blogging wagon. I'm trying to fill in now with some things that I want to remember but I  definitely lost my writing mojo in 2021 (or should I say, continued to have no mojo since 2020). I will try to do better in 2022 but we'll see how it goes!  I'm not even sure I'll remember 2021 well enough to answer these questions but I'll give it a shot!

  1. What did you do in 2021 that you'd never done before?  Starting listening to Inklings with Emily Belle Freeman. It's a scripture study group. I wasn't as involved as I planned but I did it regularly.  It helped me so much!  I plan to be even better in 2022.  Frank and I started playing pickle ball. We played a lot in the summer and fall and we both really love it. I'm not very good but it's still fun!

  2. What would you like to have in 2022 that you lacked in 2021?  No more thoughts about a pandemic and having to wear masks.  Not much hope for that but it would be nice.  I would like to exercise more regularly and become more flexible...I swear I'm becoming a solid as far as flexibility goes. I must improve this or I will be that old lady that falls and can't get up!

  3. What dates from 2021 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?  Isabelle was baptized! Frank and I were able to go out to Michigan to help her celebrate.  Carter and Harley announced that they are having a baby! I won't necessarily remember the date that it happened but I remember the event. 
  4. What was your biggest achievement this year? I survived.

  1. What was your biggest failure? That seems negative. Hmmm I failed to become a size 8 or 6. Again.

  2. Did you suffer illness or injury?  Did not get covid, again!  Though it seems inevitable at this point. I have been sort of sickly all fall though...colds and flu...none of which were covid apparently.  I had a strange and crazy reaction to a tetanus shot which resulted in tremendous shoulder pain for weeks and physical therapy. As of today (January 1st) I am still in PT for it but it's much improved.

  3. What was the best thing you bought?  Frank bought a lot of emergency prep type stuff: solar panels, new solar batteries and food. I tried, without successs, to get him to live on a budget. I don't think I bought anything big this year! I bought and did not kill, several succulents. ha!  We bought pickle ball stuff and it was well used. Nice to have a hobby together that is also exercise!

  4. Where did most of your money go? Solar stuff, helping build stuff in Michigan, helping kids and who knows what else.  Oh we had to do an unexpected remodel of the basement apartment after a that was some of it. I should check YNAB except it didn't start til June. Next year I should actually know the answer to this one!

  5. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Starting YNAB.  I know, budgeting. So exciting.  I did love it though and wanted to shout it from the rooftops. Sadly, Frank wasn't as into it as me.  Pickleball. The cat that doesn't belong to us that we feed and buy very specific food for because he's picky. LOL  Got to have a girls weekend in Arizona...turned out different than planned but I still LOVED it.

  6. What song will always remind you of 2021? None. I can't even think of a song right now. I should probably listen to more music.

  7. Compared to this time last year, are you:
    a) happier or sadder?
     same probably
    b) thinner or fatter? 
    fatter. Why oh why? Oh wait, I think I know.
    c) richer or poorer? I feel poorer...

  8. What do you wish you'd done more of? Being thankful, seeing my grandkids and kids. Practicing piano, reading scriptures, exercising...taking care of myself physically, mentally, spiritually.

  9. What do you wish you'd done less of? Complaining, being lazy, having headaches

  10. What was your favorite TV program? I should write these things down earlier! My memory just can't pull this kind of information out on demand.  (direct quote from the 2019 version of this questionaire)

  11. What was the best book you read? Did a fair amount of listening to audiobooks on Audible. Listened to a bunch of fantasy/science fiction that I can't name specifically. Book club kind of fell apart since the pandemic. I would like to get that back as it helped me broaden my horizons with reading.

  12. What did you want and get? No one in my immediate family was severely impacted by Covid. I have a new grand baby on the way! Got to visit Michigan and couple of times!

  13. What did you want and not get? Self control, motivation to work out. HA! New kitchen and/or laundry room. Wood floors in house. Remodel/reimagining of the fireplace. Basically all the stuff I wish I could do to the house!

  14. What was your favorite film of the year? I am easily entertained and enjoyed pretty much any movie I see. As in 2020, the amount of movie releases was low due to pandemic. Here's some that I saw and liked: Spider-man, No way Home; Free Guy;  Jungle Cruise.

  15. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I usually keep track but didn't write down what I did last year. I have no memory of what we did. But I turned 54, I know that. haha

  16. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2021?  Most of the year was a repeat of last year: jeans and a flowered shirt from the career section (they aren't all flowered but the proportion of flowers to non flowers is striking). I got some sweats from Old Navy that I loved and wore most every other day. They are now old and shrunk a bit and I'm also chubby so I'm not loving them as much...too tight! sigh.  Toward the end of the year, maybe fall, I decided that I need to start embracing the authentic me, even if I never get thin. So I have purchased a few boho dresses and shirts and have worn them to work. I love them. I worry a little about dressing too "young" but what the heck, you only live once, right?  On days off I'm still super casual. T-shirts in summer and flannels in winter. The one thing I can barely tolerate is a bra.  I'm SO SICK of pain from bras.  About ready to burn them.
  17. What kept you sane? Inklings, home church (though I have some guilt over still not going back), nice coworkers.

  18. Which celebrity did you fancy the most? I don't have time for celebrities.

  19. What political issue stirred you the most? Ugh. Don't even want to think about it. Why did Covid become political?? Why can't we all get along?

  20. Who is the best new person you met? Did I meet anyone new?  I met some people who I don't really know at the pickle ball courts--there was this large Polynesian group that would come regularly. I loved watching them play (so good!) but also they just laughed so much and had so much fun that it made me want to be like them...have fun no matter what!

  21. Who did you miss? My distant kids and grandkids. I miss having close friends nearby.  I feel pretty alone most of the time, which I know is partially my own fault because I've become quite a recluse with Covid.

  22. Tell us a valuable lesson you learned in 2021. Have fun and appreciate the small things. Your health is important (need to actually act on that one in 2022)

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