Sunday, March 31, 2019

It's all in your mind

Several months ago I decided to grow out my grey hair.

This decision took me a long time to make for some reason (maybe it's about accepting that I'm getting older?...I don't know why exactly).  I have a couple of friends who have gone grey and I think they look great but they have all silver/grey hair and I know that my hair is only partially grey. I wasn't sure how it would look.  I'm almost all grey at the temples and front of my head but mostly still brown in the back.  Somehow in my mind, having grey hair at the temples has always looked manly to me.

*And, yes, I spell grey with an "e". I can't seem to accept the spelling gray.*

But guess what? turns out that I don't mind my grey hair so far.

At first, my hairdresser put some highlights in so that when my grey started growing in, it wouldn't be so noticeable. Blondes are definitely luckier when it comes to this.  Grey hair really stands out against dark brown hair.

For years now, whenever my roots started growing in, I would be somewhere between annoyed and horrified. OH NO! Must get to the salon!  I look awful! I look old! etc etc etc

But since I decided to let the grey hair be grey doesn't bother me a bit.

It was all in my head. (ha!)  But seriously, I thought it looked awful or manly or whatever because I didn't want it there not because it actually looked awful or manly. Now that I've decided it's supposed to be there, well, it's just hair now.

It isn't all grown in by a long shot so I might change my mind about it at some point (which I totally give myself the right to do) but I'm actually kind of digging it right now.   My hair has a lot of different colors going on: darker brown, lighter brown, darker grey, lighter grey and even some that might be called white.  It's kind of cool.

I wonder what other things in my life are the way they are simply because of my attitude?

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