Saturday, September 15, 2018


I love real plants.
There are just so many things to love about a nice plant.
Over the years I have had a variety of plants and I have killed all of them.
I buy the ones that are "impossible to kill" and promptly kill them.
I've killed succulents and ferns and flowering plants and cacti.
I will go for some time without plants after killing one but I always get hopeful and end up buying another plant.
I've tried fake plants a few times but I just don't care for them. Plus I hate to dust so, ya know, it never works out.

I don't remember exactly when but at some point I bought a new houseplant for this house. It's been at least a couple of years now. It was a plant that I recognized as one of those "no one can kill these" kind of plants. It's not my favorite looking plant but I really wanted to have a plant that would live.


I hope I don't jinx myself here but, it is still alive!

It's pretty healthy and getting big and doesn't look too bad. Though it's not exactly a statement kind of plant, it is my only houseplant and so it gets a place of honor in my living room.

My Roomba has run over and mangled this plant and it still survives. I have forgotten to water it and I have over watered it. It soldiers on. I love this plant.

Recently Frank and I went to restaurant that had cute but minimal table decorations consisting of a milk glass vase with a small sprig of leaves from the very same plant that I have in my living room.

I was immediately excited because I already collect milk glass and I have that very same plant! What? I know.

I have a collection of pictures on my living room wall and part of that collection includes a small shelf. I keep a milk glass vase on that shelf and have played with various ideas of what to put in the vase: pretty fake flower (looks dumb), whimsical fake flower (also dumb), sprig of fake leaves (nope), twigs (gah!) and so, for the most part, the vase just sits on the shelf with nothing in it. I honestly don't mind it that way but I wonder if it looks unfinished to others? I know I doesn't matter what others think. But bear with me here.

Anyway, I went right home and snipped a small bit of my plant off and stuck it in the vase. It looked pretty good although my leaves are much bigger than the ones at the restaurant for some reason (perhaps a slightly different version of the plant? I know very little about plants.)

And that small bit has lived in this vase for WEEKS now and is perfectly happy and healthy. I even forget to top off the water at times and it just lives on.  It even recently unfurled a new leaf!  I am so impressed.  When it gets too big I will transplant it back into the original pot with it's mother and snip off a new section for my vase.

The success of this little venture makes me want to put snippets of plant in vases all over the place. But I know this would look weird so I try to hold back. Also, as I write this, I wonder when I last checked the water in that vase...hmmm.
It has also made me think that I might possibly be able to get another plant and not kill it. I know, it's crazy thinking but I am *this close* to buying another plant.
Hope lives on!

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