Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Hawaii February 2023

 We decided a couple of years ago that it was important to spend more time with Frank's sister. Both of their parents have passed on and we don't live super close to each other but we like to be in touch, more than we have.  So we decided to start vacationing together at least once a year!

This is the second year of going to Hawaii together. Last year we did the big island and this year we did Kauai.

DAY 1 (February 5)

We flew out at 8 am, had a layover in L.A. and then arrived in Kauai at about 8:30 PM. Diana and Rob had been there, waiting around, since 5 PM since we rented the car in Frank's name. Oops.  Maybe next time rent the car in the name of whoever arrives first!

I always love the first look at the palm trees!

We took the extremely full shuttle to the rental car place where it was mayhem! The line barely moved and it seemed extremely unorganized. I'm not sure how long it took but it was a couple of hours for sure. Luckily, just as our car was pulled up, the rain started pouring. We lucked out!  

Frank had packed suitcase full of drinks: his diet mountain dew and my mineral water. Not surprisingly, something burst in the suitcase and we were leaking liquid pretty badly. We went through the bag as we waited at the rental car place and found a couple of burst cans. Frank was pretty impressed at how many cans made it through just fine. I took the opportunity to razz him about his addiction to Mt Dew that would even cause you to consider bringing canned soda in your suitcase!

Rob had a place in mind for dinner but when we arrived it was closed (forever). We ended up going to place next door..a mom and pop chinese place. Food was so-so but we were tired and just glad to eat something.

We found our airbnb without much difficulty (though it took us awhile to find the lock box). Seems very nice! 5451 Ka Haku Rd, Princeville HI

DAY 2 (February 6)

We drove around a bit in the lovely area of our Airbnb. It's a neighborhood near a golf course and overlooks the ocean on one side. 

The view from our front door

The view from our back deck

We went to Hanalei Bread Co for breakfast and it did not disappoint. They have tables in the grassy area by the restaurant and we at there. They have some chickens who feel quite at home and will attempt to eat your food if you leave it for even a moment. Frank tried to show them who is boss.  The restaurant was right across the street from a grocery store so we picked up a few items.  Diana had packed quite a bit of food (in one of those moments where she totally reminds me of Janice!). She had chicken (frozen!), lunch meat, tortillas...and probably lots more but I can't remember.

Our first stop was Hanalei pier and Black Pot Beach (as seen in the move South Pacific). We decided it was important to watch that movie while we were here. Diana had brought the CD with her for just such an occasion.

On the way back, we went to the North Shore General Store which had been highly recommended to us as a good lunch stop. Frank and I had Paniolo Chicken pizza (recommended by my sister Diane) and Diana and Rob had fish and chips. 
We went back to the house where I took a nap due to a migraine. Frank and Rob went on a hike-Mahogany Plantation Hike

Frank, Diana and Rob went to a late dinner at the Hanalei Gourmet but I stayed home with the headache.
When they got back we messed around with the tv and dvd players for some time before realizing that, as usual, entertainment is difficult. Frank then found and rented it online and we watched about half of South Pacific before deciding we were pooped!

DAY 3 (February 7)

We started the day trying to find some local pickeball (of course). They were playing indoor at a local Neighborhood center so we joined for that. It wasn't too busy and we had a good time.

We decided to do some sightseeing that day. Stopped at an old fort- paula ula and saw a statue of King Kaumaulii


We went to Waimea state park and did a couple of hikes: Iliau nature trail and Kukui trail. I seriously should have written this sooner because I can't pull any specifics out of my brain regarding these hikes.
We hiked until we got to a washed out river and decided to turn back.

Next we visited the spouting horn

We had been told that we had to visit Lapperts ice cream in Hanappe but when we arrived, they had been closed since covid. Sad.
We went to Chicken in a Barrel in Kopaa which everyone liked. Then we rushed back to princeville to get there before the Lapperts closed there but they had changed their hours and we missed them too! By now we are pretty sure we NEED ice cream.
We went home and finished South Pacific. Not sure anyone was all that impressed. haha

DAY 4 (Feb 8)

Breakfast at Hanalei Bread Co again. Yummy again. Crazy chickens again.
Back for more pickleball...the place was much more crowded with a number of tourists. The locals are pretty darn good and seemed annoyed with all the "beginners" at their place. We commented (only to each other of course) on the fact that this place had less of the "aloha spirit" than the big island. Much less welcoming of us at pickleball. HA!

We had planned a boat trip as our big adventure and were notified that it was cancelled for Thursday due to weather. Rescheduled for Friday.

We went to Anini beach for some snorkeling. Frank saw a turtle!

We decided to head out to the Kauapea beach and Kalihiwai lighthouse. Turned out you needed a reservation to see the lighthouse but it was a very pretty view

We finally made it to Lapperts for some ice cream!

Then we hiked to Ho'opa falls. This was a fairly significant hike, sometimes muddy. Frank and Rob got way ahead of Diana and I and we had a few times we wondered if we were going the right way. It started to get dark and we were a little nervous but we made it to the end to the lovely waterfall and back to the car before dark. Diana and I saw a teenager jump from the falls into the fairly fast moving river. I was thinking about how his mom would not be thrilled. haaa! I did the whole thing in a skirt with a swimming suit underneath. Not my best hiking gear ever.

We were pretty tuckered out and went home for showers and a dinner of sourdough toast and homemade guacamole with chips.

DAY 5 (Feb 9)

We woke up to rain and wind and weren't sure what to do.
First item was to get a picture of us in our matching Hawaiian shirts. Diana gave ours to us for Christmas two years ago. Rob brought the wrong shirt! haha

We had the Shaka guide driving tour of the island so we did the Waimea Valley tour which included a few different view stops.
I don't remember where this was but we were looking for potential whale sightings. The water was beautiful. Right after this picture, it POURED rain on us.

We went to the Waimea falls lookout (the hike to the bottom was closed, thank heaven, or Frank would've wanted to do it)


We had lunch in Lihue at Rob's Good Time Grill which was a pretty simple place but good food.
Lydgate Park was next: Beach and ruins of a sacred stone building
Opaeka'a Falls

Hindu Sacred Forest with the blue berries used for beads from the trees. This place was very cool to walk around and seeing the blue berries was very cool.

Next we went to the Keahua Arboretum. They had the rainbow eucalyptus trees (one of my favorites!). We did a small hike along the river which was very muddy. Frank toyed with the idea of trying the cross the fairly deep river but no one else was game. ha!

We then headed back to Princeville before Lapperts closed to get some more ice cream. The girl was on a break when we arrived but we stayed and waited her out!  We wanted that ice cream!

Once we got home, we decided to walk up the road and see what was there. We knew there had to be a beach access but we were up on a cliff. We checked out the access from a local hotel but all the signs said we weren't allowed. So we went the other direction and found the entrance to hide-away beach. The path was down the cliff and was fairly slick in places. There was a rope to hold onto to help go down (and back up). Diana wasn't too sure about it  so she stopped part way down where she had a view and told us to go on because it was getting late and kind of dusky. So Frank, Rob and I walked down. Before too long, Diana joined us!  It was a very pretty beach with pretty wild waves at times. We stayed til almost dark and getting back up was a bit of a challenge for Diana with her eyesight...but we helped each other out and made it safely back up the cliff.

We ended this nice day with some card games at home.

DAY 6 (February 10)

Started the day with pickleball again. Can't let the haters get us down!
Lunch in Hanalei-we ended up just getting pizza at a little group of shops because most of the places we had wanted were closed! 
We had a recommendation from my friend Lance to go to a certain beach and it was a winner~  Sheltered from the wind and waves crashing over some rocks that made for a beautiful setting and we enjoyed the sand and water for our last day!
Might have been named Waikoko beach but we're not sure. He just showed us on a map where to go.

We made reservations for a last fancy dinner at a "steakhouse". Turned out to be  out of prime rib and had no steak! ha! But we had a nice last dinner together
I look a bit frazzled...sea air does that to me. Ha! Wish we'd gotten a group picture together!!

And that was the end of our Hawaiian adventure for 2023!
What a good time and a good decision for us to get more family time.
Can't wait to see what we do in 2024!

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