Sunday, May 23, 2021

Couches and Carbs

I recently decided to take the big step of hiring an interior designer to help me with my front room. I cannot figure out how to do this room!  I need more seating. I want it to be comfortable. I want to know what to do with my huge empty wall!  I'm over the striped wall and want something new for the entryway. I've hated that light fixture for 7 years. I've been trying to pick a rug for like 3 years and still don't have one for Pete's sake. Anyway, after much hemming and hawing, I hired someone. 

Clearly I have watched too much HGTV because what I wanted and expected was some sort of meeting followed by a drawing or computer sketch of the possible design. That's not exactly what happened. The designer did meet with me here in the house and we talked a bit. I showed him the things I do like in my house. He commented on changes he would make (which all aligned with what I was imagining).  I  told him that I have no idea how this is supposed to work, but what i wanted was a drawing or something so I could gradually make the design come true. I don't have the money to just *poof* redecorate/furnish a room. He said he could do that but first we need to decide on the basics so we made an appointment to meet at a furniture store to look at couch styles.  Ok, moving forward.

The furniture store meeting was fine but in the end I was picking out couches and chairs for my room and getting quotes for cost. And the cost was A LOT. (To me. Don't go crazy, it's normal people furniture) These are good pieces of furniture, which I like. But also, this is the least used room in my house. Is this where I should be spending big bucks? I left telling them I'd ponder it.  I worry a bit that I'm going to end up with something that ends up looking like a showroom living room, rather than the eclectic vibe I like.  Though, to be honest, this could all be in my head because all we did was look at couches. I've been known to overthink.

Fast forward a week or so and I'm figuring out how I can pay for the couches but perhaps put off any other designing until I save up some more. I still don't have an idea of what the end goal is. I need a picture! I'm panicking a bit also because I DO NOT want to get into any debt.  I make very little money and at this rate, the room will take me years to fund.  I mean, it's been years already I guess, so what's the big deal?

So, the day that I was supposed to order the couches, I whined to my friend in AZ and worried that I was rushing into something I'd regret. She had some of my same concerns. And so...I just called off the whole thing. Quit the designer and asked for a refund of my deposit. Told the couch folks that I wasn't going to order right now.  And ate some carbs. Because that's how I deal with emotions.

Now it's been another week.

I've commiserated with said friend who is good at this stuff. I've looked at lot of pinterest pictures. And I've eaten more carbs.  And I've decided to try an online designer.  This way they HAVE to give you a picture because you are never actually talking to them!  It's way cheaper than a real life designer so I figure it's not much to lose if it doesn't work out.  I submitted my info and pictures and now I wait for results. 

All this for a room that I use for reading and talking to plants.

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