Saturday, February 29, 2020


Some people hate doing laundry.
Some people hate folding or putting away clean laundry.
This has never been an issue for me. I quite enjoy doing laundry actually.

I have pretty much always folded or hung up my laundry right out of the dryer. When the kids were younger, I would fold the laundry and have them carry up their piles to their rooms where they would usually heap them on the floor or on their bed. That part annoyed me but, as a mother, there are things you just have to let go.

I'm lucky to have an area in my laundry room where I can hang laundry up easily and quickly straight from the dryer.  I will admit that I have been known to leave things hanging in the laundry room for some time before moving it to the proper closet.  But at least the clothes aren't sitting in a pile getting wrinkled. I despise wrinkled clothes and I'm not a fan of I'm pretty careful not to let things sit in piles.

Lately though,  I have not been keeping up with the laundry. At all.

It's probably the new rental house and all the time we spend over there.
Or my job and the fact that I'm super tired at the end of the day.
Or maybe the laundry is going the way of some other household tasks: dishes, bathroom cleaning, vacuuming.  All of them are taking a backseat lately.  To what, I cannot actually say.
Or maybe, with just the two of us, the laundry just doesn't seem like a priority.

With the empty nest thing that's going on here, I have started using the guest room in a new way.
As a place to pile laundry for days on end.

I do try to lay the shirts and things out in such a way that they don't get all wrinkled but in general, it's just a big pile. 
This is a new thing for me and when I see this pile of clothes I can't help but feel overwhelmed by it.
I'm understanding how people can dislike laundry. 
It's the PILE that is no fun.

I folded most of the pile today but for some reason I still haven't been able to get them put away.
Baby steps I suppose. 

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