Saturday, February 17, 2018

Project Mode

We are in the middle of a 3 day weekend!  
We had originally planned to go on a little hiking vacation but that fell through so we found ourselves at home, wondering what we should do with ourselves.  
We decided it was the perfect opportunity for a few projects:
Frank organized the storage room while I worked on cleaning the grout in the bathroom (removing haze that was left from the installation of the floor that I just never get around to doing). I didn't quite finish my project but I am promising myself to keep at it until it is done...hopefully soon!

Halfway through the day, I realized that there was a project that we'd been meaning to do and totally forgot about: putting a plug in my kitchen island.

Let me just say right now that being married to someone handy is so awesome!  If I want a plug changed on my island, I know that my hubby can do it.

Anyway, once I reminded him, Frank said that was indeed a good project for the day and he got right on it...examining the space and how it would need to be done.

I've complained about the island in the past I know.  One of the things that is pretty dumb about it is that it only has 2 plugs and they are both on the far side of the island by the stools.  So in order to plug in my mixer or some other kitchen appliance, I have to plug in an extension cord and drag it across the island to my appliance.  Frank said he could put one closer to the front of the island where I work.  I am ridiculously excited about this idea! ha!

The new plug, while much closer to where I work, does have to be a bit lower because of the drawer there.  Still, I won't have to use an extension cord to access it.

And here it is all put back together!
(Frank even cleaned off the counter, so yahoo for that as well!)

I decided that I wanted to redo my closet, add some shelving and maybe a drawer or two.
I only got as far as emptying the closet but this will be just inconvenient enough that it will probably (hopefully) spur me into action and into finishing the project even after I have to go back to work on Tuesday.
I couldn't talk Frank into going to Home Depot tonight to buy the shelving though.
He was quite surprised to see that I had started this project actually.  He was probably hoping that the plug was enough to satisfy me.

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