Saturday, January 25, 2025

Bahamas 2025-Day 3-January 17, 2025

We started the day just relaxing for the morning. I did more reading by the pool. 

We hit a local grocery store for TP (our airbnb had only one roll and no extras per bathroom), dish and laundry soap (none provided)

In the afternoon we decided to go to cabbage beach. It was supposed to be a happening place and we were able to rent chairs there but there was no food to be purchased and the waves were very high. Frank got himself another coconut though and we lounged for awhile. We were hungry for lunch but luckily I had a few snacks in my bag. Rob and Frank braved the water but Rob got rolled really good by a big wave. I stayed on my chair and read. We also walked along the beach for awhile. It was a nice afternoon.

We went home and showered before dinner
Dinner was back to Meze Grill
All of the meals were amazing as expected and expensive as expected. 
I got the "30 layer cake" for dessert and was shocked at how big it was! it lasted me days of desserts!

It was very yummy!

After dinner we played games again: Sequence and 5 crowns
We watched a Netflix move: Back in Action

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