Sunday, October 24, 2021

So many potatoes

Turns out 50 lbs of potatoes is a lot of potatoes.  I've mostly been using them for home canned stew but I've also put a bunch of chopped potatoes in the freeze dryer. Every time I chop potatoes for canning, I over estimate and end up with some that have to be freeze dried.  I'm very bad at estimating for stew apparently. 

I have 35 cans of stew so far and the huge bag of potatoes is almost gone. I may make some baked potatoes tomorrow with some of the few we have left.

We had eaten almost all of the previous stew I canned a few years ago. I think we have 3 bottles left.  My goal is to get 52 jars, one per week for a year, by the time I'm done. I can't believe it but I'll actually have to buy more potatoes to do that. ha!

I get tired off all the chopping to be honest but I borrowed a special chopping contraption from Doneen that made the potatoes SO much easier. Carrots are still a pain and my hands are stained orange now after a weekend of canning. It's a good look.

I suffered my first ever broken bottle while canning my first load. Luckily all of the other jars sealed just fine.  I knew something was up when my garage smelled like delicious stew..sure enough.

I am feeling like it's getting easier and I'm doing better at managing the pressure of the canner. I'm almost feeling like I know what I'm doing!

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