I do this every year but I blogged so little this year, we shall see if I remember anything! What a year...
- What did you do in 2020 that you'd never done before? Lived through a global pandemic. Wore a mask everyday to do normal things like grocery shop. Lived through the worst election process ever.
- What would you like to have in 2021 that you lacked in 2020? Motivation to improve, Daily scripture study/prayer, a full head of hair (these were copied directly from last year's answer). More peace and civility between people. A calm spirit.
- What dates from 2020 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? Ryan and Kristal got married on April 11th. Carter and Harley got married on May 14th.
- What was your biggest achievement this year? I managed to save up enough money to remodel my master bathroom! haven't done the actual remodel yet but I can now proceed!
- What was your biggest failure? That seems negative. Hmmm I failed to become a size 6. Again.
- Did you suffer illness or injury? Thank heaven I stayed healthy this year. Made it the whole year and didn't catch Covid or anything else for that matter. Been pretty healthy! (knock on wood)
- What was the best thing you bought? We spent tons o' money fixing up two rental houses but I didn't buy anything for myself really.
- Where did most of your money go? Rental house renovations!!!
- What did you get really, really, really excited about? Weddings, visiting Arizona, alone time once the pandemic thing happened, visiting Michigan for Thanksgiving!
- What song will always remind you of 2020? None. I can't even think of a song right now...For some reason I had the song "Long Haired Lover from Liverpool" by Jimmy Osmond in my head all day yesterday and now probably for the rest of today because I wrote this.
- Compared to this time last year, are you: a) happier or sadder? hmmm a bit sadder probably b) thinner or fatter? lots and lots fatter. They don't call it the Covid 19 for nothin' c) richer or poorer? I feel poorer...
- What do you wish you'd done more of? Being thankful, seeing my grandkids and kids
- What do you wish you'd done less of? Complaining, being lazy
- What was your favorite TV program? I should write these things down earlier! My memory just can't pull this kind of information out on demand. Ok, hmmm, Frank and I watch something most evenings before bed. Same answer as last year. Wow, I'm bad at this.
- What was the best book you read? I don't think I read a single book this year! At least not in paper. I listened to a bunch of audio books while we worked on the houses. Loved the Boboverse series. Currently rereading The Way of Kings so I can read the new one in the series.
- What did you want and get? Good health, continued employment, home church (ha!)
- What did you want and not get? Self control, motivation to work out. (same as last year...)
- What was your favorite film of the year? Covid took away all of our movies! I missed them sooo much.
- What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I keep track. Here is last year. I turned 53 in 2020.
- How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2020? "Here it is: flowered shirt (from the career section), cardigan if it's cold, jeans, boots in the winter-converse in the warmer weather. I have no explanation and I don't know why 95% of my shirts have flowers on them! On my days off it's yoga pants and t-shirts or possibly jeans if I have to go in public." That was a quote from last year and this year is no different because I still have the same job and wear the same clothes. I didn't wear as many yoga pants on days off though because I was always working at the rentals and I hate not having pockets for my phone when I work so it was painting jeans or these ugly knee length sweat pants that I wear when working. So fashionable!
- What kept you sane? that went downhill this year for sure. Having projects helped us for sure because if Frank had just been stuck at home because of Covid, we would have killed each other probably.
- Which celebrity did you fancy the most? I don't have time for celebrities.
- What political issue stirred you the most? GAH! I hate politics. I hate how divided the country is. I hate that even the pandemic and mask wearing were politicized. GAH!
- Who is the best new person you met? Kristal, Ryan's new wife. I know I "met" here before 2020 but I've gotten to know her a little bit more since the wedding and she is fun and talented and oh-so crafty! She makes beautiful food and her and Ryan seem happy. :-) Oh and Also Lottie! My Dad got married in February right before the whole world shut down! They also seem very happy and I'm glad my dad isn't so lonely.
- Who did you miss? My distant kids and grandkids. I missed my Mom more this Christmas than last. Last year I was just happy for her to be out of misery but this year I just missed the old her.
- Tell us a valuable lesson you learned in 2020. Chaos stresses me out. (I would sometimes have to leave the rental house because the chaos of the torn apart place made me so anxious). I would do ok with quarantine. Frank, not so much. (I probably knew this already). I tend to do what other people want and then hold a tiny grudge about it. Should probably work on that.