Sunday, October 20, 2019


I'm including a video here that most people have probably seen. It talks about Millenials in the work place and I think he has a lot of valid points (though I hate to think that I was a bad parent since all my kids fall into the "millennial" category and therefore I fall into the bad parent of millennials category).  But when he talks about the effects of social media and the constant access to phones, I feel that it isn't just the young people he's talking about. I see a lot of that in myself as well. I think, perhaps, I am addicted to my phone.  I have trouble putting it away. I look at it more than I should and even when there is NOTHING to see, I just keep scrolling scrolling scrolling.
Frank and I don't really look at our phones when we go out to eat unless we are discussing plans and need to look at maps or google something so we are doing ok there.  I think I try to be intentional with my phone in public or at work.  But there are still LOTS of times when I am acting like an addict.

I've been pondering this whole blog situation and why I don't feel drawn to write like I used to. Why don't ideas pop into my head like they did in the past?  And I think some of it has to do with the fact that I am always being inundated with, facebook, instagram, audio books, blogs etc etc etc!  I almost always have something playing when I'm working around the house or cooking or driving.  I don't think that was the case in the past. I used to have quiet time more than I do now.

We encourage our young people to make sure to have quiet moments so that they can feel God's spirit in their lives.  And I haven't been heeding that advice.  I'm missing not only God's spirit but also just my old creative self.

And so, I am reevaluating my relationship with my phone today.  Also my obsession with the news.  I know it is not healthy for me.

I can't decide if it is ok for me to go to work without my phone at all. I know we used to survive without a phone all the time, but if I get a text that is important and don't see it until after work, that seems bad. But, again, what is "important" in this scenario.  We are all so used to instant responses!

For now, I think I will use the screen time app to limit my phone use and see how that goes.
Wish me luck because I might be twitchy for a few days...

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