March 1- I had a massage today...the second one in two weeks. I'm getting a weekly massage for awhile in an attempt to get my headaches under control. I feel so spoiled. So even though I'm getting these massages for headaches, I'm really enjoying the fact that I'm getting massages. Also, Carter got a job! yay!
March 2- Today was the cousins' lunch. I've missed the last couple so I was glad to go today. I love my family, including my extended family and love to see them. Today my Aunt Janet was here visiting from Texas and it was so fun to see her as well!
March 3- Had a fun trip up to Logan today. Didn't accomplish much but had fun so it was worth it!
March 4-Today I went to a vintage market in Salt Lake. I went by myself which wasn't necessarily would have been fun to go with friends. But I really enjoyed browsing and just getting some "me" time today.
March 5- Taught Sunday school and it went fine (I never feel like it goes great). It was so nice outside that I walked home. I'm thankful for warmer weather and gorgeous views!
March 6- We got a little dusting of snow today which surprised me (as usual, since I never check the weather). It was so pretty! I know it won't last so I'm just enjoying how pretty it is. Also, cold days help me appreciate warm ones.
March 7-Today we went up to Logan and enjoyed a day visiting Carter's future college, touring his new apartment complex and hanging out with our friends, the Petersons. We always love visiting Logan. I'm grateful to have the Peterson family in my life and I'm grateful they will be close when Carter is up there at school.
March 8- Massage day. I'm soo grateful that I can do this and try to get some relief for my headaches.
March 9-Today I'm thankful for Janice, my awesome mother in law. It's her birthday today. And though it's been a rough few months with health issues, she is a positive person. I love her very much.
March 10-Absolutely zero things on my calendar for today. I'm so grateful for a not-too-busy day!
March 11-We spent the day in Moab today, hiking around a bit and just enjoying the PERFECT weather. I love the beauty of that area. We went to the delicate arch for the first time too. It was so beautiful and it reminded me of how much Heavenly Father loves us to bless us with such a beautiful world.
March 12-I am thankful that two of the kids in my class taught today and I didn't have to prepare a lesson!
March 13- Carter invited Harley over and we played games for a bit. I love some good family time.
March 14-We had a fun outing to the local frisbee golf course here in town. It's actually called a disk golf course because we, as amateurs, are totally using the wrong kind of frisbees. We still had lots of fun together.
March 15- Today was just a totally gorgeous day (again!) so that was awesome. Also, Doneen helped me finish the skirts for the girls by serging the bottom of the lining for me.
March 16- I had an MRI this morning which I was totally nervous about...but it turned out that the tube was bigger than expected and shorter in length so I was able to make it through without any anxiety at all really (did take a valium though, ha!). I'm grateful for modern medicine (and modern medications). Hopefully we will find something fixable regarding my headaches...
March 17-Jennifer Sheffield is here in town so we went to lunch with Mom and Dad together, then we did some prom dress shopping for her daughter, dinner with her family and finally we went to see Beauty and the Beast. It was such a fun day and I love her and her kids so much!
March 18- Sara opened her mission call tonight and we went over for it. She's going to Trinidad and is so excited. David and Stacey and Lauren came up as well so it was a fun family night. Jennifer also came to see my other siblings so I got to spend another evening with her. So awesome!
March 19- So many things to be grateful for! A gorgeous spring day, a good lesson at church (I didn't teach, but I enjoyed the class a lot), dinner at Doneen's house.
March 20- Carter interviewed for and got a new, full time job! It pays well so he's excited that he should be able to save enough for housing and food for the whole school year! yay! He also works from 7:30-3:30 so it gives him some free time in the afternoon/evening.
March 21- Tonight we had a fun RS activity called "Our Favorite Things". We each brought a little something that was our favorite thing and we gave it away and got someone else's favorite thing. I bought 4 little See's chocolates. I got peanut M&Ms. It was a fun night.
March 22- I am thankful that I was able to get another massage today. I've been going once a week for about a month now (maybe more?). I know it's a luxury and I'm so grateful. I really have to find a way to get my headaches under control and I think this is helping.
March 23-I went to give blood today but got rejected for low iron. That hasn't ever happened to me before! But even though I wasn't able to give today, I was thinking about how grateful I am for all those who give. Frank got blood every day during his cancer treatment. It truly saved his life.
March 24-Today I got to hang out with my aunt Janet. Man I love her! We have a lot in common and a lot of similar life experiences so every time we are able to talk, we both feel like we are kindred souls.
March 25-Carter made us Chicken Nanban (one of his favorite dishes from Japan) for dinner tonight including homemade tartar sauce. So yummy!
March 26-I watched the General Women's Session of conference this morning before church (it was on last night but I wasn't feeling great). I enjoyed it so much! I also taught Sunday School and survived. :-)
March 27-I went visiting teaching this morning which was enjoyable and then I spent the day packing and buying a few things for my trip to Arizona. It was a pleasant and relaxing day.
March 28-Drove to Arizona! I'm so excited for a week of relaxation. The trip went smoothly and I got to Annette's in time for dinner.
March 29-Spent the day with Annette. Yay! The weather is beautiful too. We went to see a movie and had a fun, relaxing day!
March 30-Pedicures with Annette and Candice. Beautiful weather. What's not to be thankful for?
March 31-We spent the whole day lounging around and being lazy. It was awesome. Also, today is my oldest son's birthday. I'm thankful for Branden today! I wish I could see him in person...but I will be there in May and I can give him a birthday hug then. :-)
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