Have I talked about Mother's Day?
Here it is in a nutshell:
no breakfast
had to wake the kids up for church
(obviously I started out the day a little annoyed)
flowers and candy from kid
funny card from other kid with nice note inside
texts and calls from far away kids
Chocolate and pampering all day from hubby
truffle from church
card and cookies from niece who was here for the weekend!
went to my brother's church to see his son receive the Priesthood
lunch cooked by hubby and brother
(also awesome)
no pictures...dangit.
home for card opening
fried chicken and waffles for dinner
all's well that ends well!
A good day.
At the end of April I attended BYU Women's Conference
These kinds of events are one of the things that make living in Utah so great.
I love being inspired, spending time with girlfriends and family, and just getting that little time away from life.
My friend Kim (who moved to Utah, a couple of hours away from me, from Massachusetts) and her daughter came down and stayed at my house.
It was fantastic.
My sister also attended.
It is always fantastic when I get to spend time with my sisters.
We even met up with Kim's daughter-in-law for one of the sessions!
I'm terrible at looking normal in selfies.
At least I look excited though...which I was.
One of the things we did during Women's Conference was to be involved in a service project to make meals for the local food bank. We collectively made over 350,000 meals!
It was awesome.
Seriously though, I'm a dork.
Frank finished the wood shed and placed a couple of pallets inside on which to set the wood.
The pallets were blue plastic.
Oh. My. Word.
After going to all the trouble to make a pretty woodshed, he put blue plastic pallets inside???
I decided to keep my mouth shut.
Seriously, it's too late anyway.
I did mention to my friend, Kim, that I could not believe that I had to look at ugly blue pallets and we had a little chuckle over the cluelessness of men.
The next day I returned home from Women's conference to see that Frank had installed a nice wood edging to the front of the wood shed.
He said to me, "Did you see what I did? I knew those blue pallets would probably bug you, so I made it so they won't show."
I feel bad for doubting him.
He knows me so well.
And, also, am I difficult?
Don't answer that.
Carter and I have been shopping a lot lately for clothes and other necessities for his mission.
It has been pretty fun.
He doesn't love shopping so we are doing multiple short trips rather than a long marathon session.
We have spent a ton of money...all his so far, thankfully.
I haven't taken pictures because he hates having his picture taken.
But I tried to snap a few without his knowledge the other day
(he caught me)
because, seriously, I should have some proof of the event, shouldn't I?
Here he is trying on his overcoat/raincoat.
Noticing that I am taking pictures and turning away.
Giving in and sort of posing for me.
He's really a cute, pleasant kid overall.
He likes to give me a hard time but it's generally all in fun.
Amber is really good about sending videos and pictures of the kids.
I certainly wish they lived closer, but if they can't live close by, I am so thankful that she keeps us updated on their lives.
I miss that cute family.
Here are a couple of recent pictures she sent:
She told the girls that she wanted to send silly faces to Daddy and this is what she got.
Thankfully she sent them to the grandparents too.