Monday, January 6, 2025

Birthday 2025

Well, I turned 58 on January 5, 2025. So crazy how I can be this old...though when I look at certain pictures, I see it. LOL

It was a Sunday so there were no big plans. Thankfully Doneen invited us over for dinner! The day is saved!

I spent the morning addressing my New Year's cards (I was so late but I'm impressed I got new years cards done!).

Frank has been having some issues with A-fib so he wasn't feeling fantastic. He rested a bit while I did this. 

We had gone to Logan on the 4th to visit Harley and the grandkids (Carter had to work). I had my official birthday lunch while we were there. We had Texas Roadhouse because I wanted a meal that I could have as leftovers on my actual bday.

Frank heated them up for me for my lunch while I continued to work on the cards.

Our church is at 1:30 this year so Frank went to church but I chose to stay home to avoid a headache on my birthday.

When he got done, we went to Doneen's.

She had fixed salad and a Pork Roast. Summer brought cheddar broccoli soup. Josh made me a homemade chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. It was all very yummy!

Frank and I are going to the Bahamas for the first time on January 15th so that's our official celebration of both of our birthdays

Sunday, January 5, 2025

2024 in Review


2024 in Review

I seem to set a new record every year for how bad I am at blogging. I really do want to do better. Finger's crossed for 2025!

  1. What did you do in 2024 that you'd never done before?  Big home remodel! Did new fireplace, new kitchen, new floors, new doors/trim, new laundry room, new entry floors, new lights. It was a big deal and a long time living in a construction zone! love how it turned out.

  2. What would you like to have in 2025 that you lacked in 2024?  Just in the last few months, not the whole year, I've felt pretty off and a bit down. Not sure if it's hormones or seasonal depression or what. But as of right now, I'd like to feel more peace and less anxiety in 2025.
  3. What dates from 2024 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?   Elliott David Hill was born on 11/12/24 to Carter and Harley.  He is completely adorable. The birth went well and we are so happy to add him to the family!
  4. What was your biggest achievement this year? I accomplished a home remodel without losing my mind and also without any debt. (though the money part was mostly Frank's accomplishment, though I did help
  5. What was your biggest failure? I fell off the wagon on scripture study, Inklings and also temple attendance. I struggled A LOT with migraines when attending church. Not sure how to fix that one but I don't like it one bit.
  6. Did you suffer illness or injury?  My foot had a lot of trouble healing after the foot surgery. It looks fine on X-ray but just hurts all the time. I finally went back to doctor when my second toe started to hurt even more than my big toe (the surgical toe). I got a cortisone shot which has helped the big toe pain a lot. Second toe is migrating toward big toe which is so annoying and painful. I started wearing toe socks with a silicone toe spacer and it's helping a lot. It's January 2025 now and that's over a year from the surgery. If I wear the spacer, my foot feel pretty much ok. Hoping I can eventually not wear it all the time because it limits my shoe choices a lot.
  7. What was the best thing you bought?  All the stuff for the remodel!
  8. Where did most of your money go? Remodel!
  9. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Super excited for new kitchen, fireplace and laundry room. I love the laundry room so much that I sometimes just go in there and stare.
  10. What song will always remind you of 2024? Probably none. I should listen to music more. One moment I'll remember is when we had William here for a visit during conference weekend and there was a children't choir on the tv. William was absolutely mesmerized by the singing! I think if I hear the song Gethsemane, I will always think of that moment. That boy loves music. 
  11. Compared to this time last year, are you: Happier or sadder? Fatter or Thinner? Richer or Poorer? Sadder atm but hoping it's just hormones. Fatter. Ugh! Menopause is kicking my butt. Same rich/poorness. YNAB is still my jam and I feel like I'm handing the money ok.

  12. What do you wish you'd done more of?  I would like to read more. Have more time with other women. See all of my grandkids more.More time with the Lord. Need to be more regular with the weight lifting/building bones.

  13. What do you wish you'd done less of? Being lazy.

  14. What was your favorite TV program? We enjoy a tv show each night. We really enjoyed Severance on Apple TV. I also watched Modern Family which was fun. Frank finally got more into The Chosen this year.

  15. What was the best book you read? Reread all of the Stormlight Archive to prepare for the latest book (Wind and Truth) which came out in Dec 2024.

  16. What did you want and get? Home remodel! A summer visit to Michigan and the lake with the Michigan Hills. Lots of fresh peaches. 

  17. What did you want and not get? more visits to Michigan

  18. What was your favorite film of the year? Wicked Part One (Saw it twice in one day!) I thought they did a great job and can't wait to own the movies and watch them together.

  19. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? 57. Here is last years post about my bday.

  20. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2024?  The same pair of Lucky jeans with random work tops. Flannels in winter. Also, due to the foot issues I wear the same pair of Astra Shoes with every outfit...even dresses. It's not good.
  21. What kept you sane? Audiobooks, trips to Logan to see grand babies (and kids), lunches with Ryan/Kristal/Dante, coworkers that I like, tv shows in the evening. Lunches with Julie (cousin)
  22. Which celebrity did you fancy the most? I don't care about celebrities. 

  23. What political issue stirred you the most? I'm dumbfounded that Trump got reelected. I want to hid in a hole or possibly another country.

  24. Who is the best new person you met? Elliott David

  25. Who did you miss? Michigan kids/grandkids. Having friends nearby

  26. Tell us a valuable lesson you learned in 2024.  I need exercise. I need alone time. I need more God in my life.
Birthday pic Jan 2024

January trip to Florida

Remodel begins!

Visiting Logan!

I love my peonies

picnic with Ryan/Kristal/Dante

Finished kitchen and Laundry


Branden door dashed me flowers and candy corn in October

Welcome Elliott!

December visit to Michigan

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Project #4 Paint and New Doors

This is the part of the project with the most snafus which is a little funny because it's the one part of the project that Frank and I could have done ourselves without that much difficulty. But it would have been very time consuming and so it seemed like a good idea to have a professional do it.  And for the most part we ARE glad we didn't do it ourselves.

First of all, I'm not sure I can express how much I thought about and stressed over picking out the white paint we would use. I stayed up in the night for hours reading articles about how easy it is to screw up white paint. How bad it could look. I discovered that the white paint I had previously used on my trim and in several rooms was actually skewed blue and made the house feel cold. Who knew? But if I go too warm it will look yellow and dirty! Oy!  I almost drove Frank to drink with all my samples and stresses. I did eventually pick one though I'm still not sure how I managed it.

I got several quotes for paint. Professional painting is very expensive. But we have one wall in particular that is very tall, vaulted and over a stairway. I really didn't want to do that part. I also didn't want to paint the vaulted ceiling myself.

So we decided to compromise and have the professional paint the family room/vaulted ceiling. We would paint the hallway, kitchen and laundry room. 

When we started, Frank didn't know I wanted all new trim and doors. But once we started tearing things apart and removing tile (which is damaging to the trim anyway) I decided I might as well be doing it all right now instead of waiting for a year or two. So I broke the news to Frank who was, I admit, surprised. But he agreed as he had already decided that this was my project and he was just going to accept it. HA! We did compromise by not removing or changing trim or closet doors inside any of the bedrooms which seemed wise for keeping Frank sane.

The paint guy told me that he could do the trim and doors as well as the walls and he would paint it all too! Well, I was sold and told him to go ahead with all of it.

The wall painting went smoothly except that since we had changed the original bid (taken out hall, kitchen etc and added trim and doors) I think the paint guy was a little confused and the first thing he did was paint the entirety of the front room (ceiling and walls). I hadn't even planned on that being done at all. But by the time I saw him working it was too late. So he painted an entire extra room. ok.

He patched some spots on the ceiling and spent tons of time here. He was a super nice guy and his painting looks great.

We painted the hallway and kitchen walls. Later I noticed that where the hallway and family room meet, the paint sheens didn't match. That's when we learned that if you want a certain brand of paint, you have to be very specific because the professional painter will likely get a different brand but just paint match the color you want. So we ended up painting the hall again with his brand so the sheens would match. Lesson learned.

He put in the trim and did a ton of masking so that he could spray the trim and get a nice finish. It was so much work. As he was painting it was hard to tell exactly but it seemed like a different color than the walls to me. He assured me it wasn't different but sometime it could appear different due to the sheen difference. There is blue tape and masking paper so it's really hard to tell. But once we removed the masking, it became clear that the trim color was very different from the wall. I sent him a picture since he'd left for the day. I felt sick about it. 

Looks pretty white here but I could see a difference

The color difference was obvious and noticeable especially once the masking was down.

He was surprised because he said he ordered the same color as the walls but just in a semi-gloss. Anyway, I fretted over this. I kind of liked the look of the new color but it would mean that all my trim and doors would need to be that color. I wasn't sure. I asked friends and neighbors their opinions. Frank thought I should redo it all. I hated to have him do all that masking and work all over again! In the end we decided to redo it mainly because we had no idea what color this paint was and we mostly were concerned about being able to reproduce it exactly to do the doors and for touch up. He was super nice about it and just re-did all of it with the wall color.

Then it came to the doors...

I had gone to the door place with the painter to pick out which ones I wanted. The people there said that we could either give them measurements or just bring in our current doors for them to use as a template. I said, Oh why don't we do that? but the guy was like "no, no need! I'll just measure". I am pretty much a complete wuss if I am confronted by a situation where I think I know less than someone else. So I didn't push this issue though it seemed like an obvious choice to me. He proceed to measure our doors multiple times to make sure they were right.
He took the new doors to his studio or wherever and painted them. 
Frank likes to be... what is the word...devils advocate? negative nelly? when we hire anything out. He doubts that the project will turn out. I always doubt people too and watch them as they do their jobs to see if I think they know what they are doing. So basically we are both doubters. But I kept telling him to stop being negative, it will all work out great!

I was at work the day he delivered the doors. The hinges were not in the correct spot on ANY of the doors. It was disheartening to say the least. I'm not sure if they checked the actual measurements of any of the doors because it was so clear that the hinges were wrong. It was decided that he would take the doors back to the door place and have them redo the hinges and he would take our doors as templates. yeah.

So we were then without any interior doors. For weeks.
Turns out I do not sleep well without a door on my bedroom and I really dislike having a bathroom without a door.
We had workmen in our house all the time who sometimes need to use the facilities. And we had no doors.
Not ideal.
But turns out most of the time that doesn't stop them. FYI.

I put up a "curtain" using bedsheets on my bedroom and master bath, which helped. I didn't do more than that because I hated buying the tension rods knowing they'd only be used for a little while. Feels like money is flowing like water at this point.

So after however much time goes by, he bring back the doors to install.
I'm at work again...
Well, some of them just aren't quite right.
And none of them have the area chiseled out for the backplate on the door knob. Frank is kind of freaking out and tells them to just leave.
There were like 5 guys at my house doing this install and none of them read the directions on how to install the door knob...I informed Frank through text that we didn't need that little backplate part. 
It just pops off. 
So that was one headache fixed. 
By a woman who reads directions. 
Who was at work at the time.
I'm sure the door guys were relieved to get my text that they didn't have to once again take the doors back to the door place to get that chiseled out.

But a few of the doors are just not quite the right size. 
Most work ok.
The door to my bathroom from the master bedroom is a little too skinny and I can see lots of light when it's shut. It bugs me.
The double doors to the pantry are just plain wrong.

Frank is so over this by now that he just wants to never see the guy again.
He tells him to just bring back the original doors for the bathroom and which he replies he had them recycled.

We can't fix this problem so we choose "stick head in sand" for now.
We will deal with the pantry doors another day and live with the weird bathroom door.
He gives us a discount for those doors and we just pay him.

The other doors are fine and the paint job is lovely and they look great!

The trim work is probably not up to Frank's standards but he hasn't said anything because we are both realizing things are not going to be perfect and we just can't talk about it. hahaha

Project #3 The Floors

 I know I'm writing as if all of these are separate projects but obviously lots of things were happening at once. 

Before we could do anything really, we had to remove the existing tile and carpet. We removed tile from entryway, family room, dining area, kitchen and laundry room. We hired someone to do that. We removed carpet from family room, laundry room and stairs ourselves.

The tile removal company was "dust free".  They had 3 or 4 guys with big machines and lots of shop vacs. It was super loud but they made pretty quick work of the terrible job and they cleaned up after. It was pretty amazing! I don't seem to have any pictures of them working even though I swear I took some.

View of the carpet and tile in family room and dining area. You can see the inset "rug" made of tile that I hated.

As I mentioned in another post, we had to remove the cabinet around the laundry room sink in order to remove the tile in that room. Frank jimmy-rigged the sink so it could stay during the kitchen remodel.

Our house has a subfloor and then a layer of pressboard on top. It turned out to be kind of a problem for the tile guys as big chunks came out of the pressboard. But they did their best to do as little damage as possible.

Entryway had no pressboard thank heaven.

We decided to put the same flooring in as we had already put in the front room and pantry a few years earlier. It was a risk that it wouldn't perfectly match but it turned out ok.

Front Room floor

I posted this in-progress picture on facebook and lots of people were concerned/didn't like the new floor. It does look pretty crazy here. But I swear once it was all in, it looks good. There is a lot of variation in the boards but once the whole room was in, it looks nice.

It's a hickory hardwood floor. The existence of the pressboard did pose some problems but no one told me til later (apparently the floor installer mentioned it to Frank but he never told me)...which is that some nails didn't go all the way to the subfloor. Which means we now have a few squeaky boards. One in the hallway is pretty annoying (we've learned not to step there) but overall it's not too bad. It may reach the point that I'll have to have it fixed but for now we're living with it.

The photos is later in the process but I'm trying to find a shot with lots of flooring in it.

Stairs before and after

As I mentioned in another post, I decided to tile the entryway and the laundry room mostly because those rooms have the outside doors and I wanted easily mopped flooring/flooring that could handle wet feet.

I chose a black tile in a herringbone pattern for the entryway. I really love how it looks.
And black and white diamond pattern for the laundry room. 
I have wanted a black and white diamond pattern for the laundry forever...pretty much since we moved in. It has recently become somewhat of a trend so I was a little annoyed when I was finally picking tile to be picking something that seemed trendy. I swear I wanted it for YEARS! 
Oh well.

We found surprise linoleum when we removed the carpeted portion of the laundry room. But luckily the tile guys said it was no problem so we didn't have to remove it. Whew!

The laundry room floor and cabinets were actually done after the kitchen (so we always had a sink).

I LOVE my laundry room floors!